
The Impact of the Inclusion of Social Dimensions on Decision-Making in the Dutch Heat Transition

Graduation student: Hu, Lidha
Subjects: Energy Justice, Heat Transition, Social indicators, Energy transition, Decision-making & Experimental Research


Exploring the potential for renewable energy cooperatives in Mexico: The role of business models in the energy transition

Graduation student: Carrasco Montejano, Jose
Subjects: Business Model, Energy transition, Renewable energy cooperative, Multi-level perspective & Mexico

Smart grids: Changing consumer interaction

Graduation student: Kobus, C.B.A.
Subjects: user centred design, behavioural change, social marketing, qualitative research, demand side management, energy transition, interface design & open source

Social contagion as a means to transitions

Graduation student: Carrasco Montejano, Jose
Subjects: Energy transition, Transition Design, Systemic design, Toolkit, Framework, Social contagion, Social influence, Built Environment, Behaviour change, Strategic Design & Persuasive Design

Stimulating behaviour change in electricity consumption patterns by using social awareness based incentives in an interface design

Graduation student: De Jong, L.
Subjects: interaction, interface, electricity, energy, design & behaviour change

Sturen zonder macht: de rol van de gemeente in de transitie naar een duurzame verwarming van de bestaande gebouwde omgeving

Graduation student: Hospers, Paul
Subjects: Transitie, energietransitie en warmtetransitie, Duurzaam, Collectieve verwarming en warmtenet, Bestaande gebouwde omgeving, Bestuur en bestuurlijke arrangementen

The Influence of Public Participation and Energy Justice on the Heating Transition in Mariahoeve, The Hague: An explorative case study on the heating transition

Graduation student: Broer, Rutger
Subjects: Public Participation, Energy Justice, Heating transition, Governance & District heating systems

Improving Energy Access for Displaced Populations: An institutional analysis for the potential of community solar mini-grids in refugee camps

Graduation student: Demir, Elif
Subjects: displacement settings, humanitarian energy, solar energy, community-based approach & institutional analysis

Interventions to support the formation of Dutch thermal energy communities

Graduation student: Aranguren Rojas, M.
Subjects: Agent based modelling, institutional analysis, Energy Community Formation, IAD framework, Williamson’s Four-layer Model & thermal energy

Value dynamics in community energy initiatives in The Netherlands

Graduation student: Cox. H.

Sustainable collaboration between municipalities and local energy cooperatives; A design study to the collaboration between Dutch municipalities and local energy cooperatives to contribute to the energy transitions.

Graduation student: Emmen, M.L.G.F.