Ir. H.J.M. Vande Putte

Ir. H.J.M. Vande Putte



Herman Vande Putte, MSc, Arch. MRE is assistant professor (department of Management in The Built Environment) at the Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft. He has a background in Architecture (BSc and MSc, KU Leuven) and management (MSc, U Antwerp). His research focuses on corporate accommodation strategies and more specifically on patterns of corporate accommodation requirements and solutions and their relationship with the development of the city.

Prior to his work as a lecturer and researcher, he worked as an architect at ELD Partnership. In 1990 he founded the consultancy firm PROCOS in Antwerp, which specializes in the programming and management of corporate accommodation, project management and the implementation of FMIS systems for business clients. Herman aspires to integrate his long experience with complex accommodation assignments for large companies with theoretical insights.


Corporations and Cities

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