Ir. S. Broersma

Ir. S. Broersma



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  • 2016

    Dubrovnik Contribution Award

    The Dubrovnik Contribution Award is in recognition of outstanding contribution to the sustainable development of the City. Following the City-zen Dubrovnik ‘Roadshow’ held in November 2016, Craig Martin, responsible for both the ‘Roadshow’ and precursor event ‘SWAT Studio’, has on the instruction of Andro Vlahušić (Mayor of Dubrovnik) been awarded The City of Dubrovnik & DURA (Dubrovnik Development Agency) ‘Contribution Award’. The award is in recognition of outstanding contribution to the sustainable development of the City. Craig is honored to accept this award on behalf of all the Roadshow team: Riccardo Pulselli, Tine Stevens, Han Vandevyvere, Siebe Broersma, Greg Keeffe, Andy van den Dobbelsteen, Leen Peeters, and not least, the hardworking workshop student ‘Facilitators’ from Queen’s University Belfast.
    City-zen: New Urban Energy