
Alternative examination for students with disabilities

In exceptional cases, the Board of Examiners can grant individual students with a disability permission to sit an exam in an alternative way. 
Conditions are modified to suit the individual student and may include extra time or the use of practical aids.

Please refer to article 25 of the TER for the current regulations.

Discuss your request with an academic counsellor first. 
You are eligible for alternative exam conditions if: 

  • the proposed alternative conditions do not affect the quality or difficulty of the exam or degree programme; 
  • the request is supported by the academic counsellor and a medical declaration.

This procedure is aimed at students with chronic disabilities (or disabilities that are expected to continue for the foreseeable future). However, students with temporary impairments may also request exam adjustments and should also refer to an academic counsellor.

For some adjustments, the Board of Examiners of ME and KT/TM have given a mandate to the academic counsellors. For all other requests you will be referred to the Board of Examiners.
You may then submit a written request to sit an exam in an alternative way on the basis of a disability. The request must contain the following:

  • Name of student
  • Name of subject, subject code, lecturer
  • Date of assessment(s)
  • Reason for request
    • disability
    • (expected) consequences of disability
  • Proposed alternative/adjustment
  • Response of academic counsellor
  • A declaration from a medical specialist, such as:
    • GP / student physician
    • (student) psychologist
    • statement from the hospital

Please note: The request must be submitted at least 20 working days before the date of the exam. Incomplete requests will not be processed.