Board of Examiners

On this page you can find a list of the Board of Examiners' meetings and the Graduation Ceremonies for the EEMCS programmes. 


Forms and requests have to be received at least  5 working days prior to the meeting. Requests that are not handed in in time will automatically be moved up to the next meeting.

To register for the BSc degree please send the application form to  20 working days before the meeting.
All requirements must be met no later than five working days before the meeting in question.

Click on 'Forms'  to go to the site where the application forms are listed.


Voor de master opleiding SET vindt 2 keer per jaar een collectieve diploma-uitreiking plaats. U dient zich uiterlijk 20 werkdagen voor de vergadering van de examencommissie aan te melden om geslaagd verklaard te worden voor het Master examen.
Bij 'Formulieren' vindt u het benodigde formulier voor aanmelding. 

Voor de overige EWI master opleidingen zijn er geen collectieve diploma-uitreikingen. Studenten ontvangen hun master diploma individueel na een succesvolle verdediging van hun afstudeerwerk, mits ze aan alle voorwaarden voor het diploma hebben voldaan. Hiertoe dienen de benodigde formulieren tijdig ingediend te zijn om behandeld te kunnen worden volgens onderstaand schema



Thesis Committee form

Submit the appication for approval in MaRe three months before defence date.

Final Examination Form

Submit the application form in MaRe after approval of the Thesis Committee, but no later than 6 weeks prior to defence date. 

Defence can only take place after approval of both forms.
Please be aware  that If the defense takes place without an approved Thesis Committee you are at high risk of having the result of the master thesis defense declared invalid!



For de Master programme SET plenary graduation ceremonies take place two times a year. Please register 20 working days before the meeting of the Board of Examiners to obtain the MSc degree.

For the other EEMCS master programmes, students will receive their diploma individually after a successful thesis defence, provided they have fulfilled all the necessary requirements. Please register for the degree audit well in advance,  The registration deadline is given in the tables below.



Thesis Committee form

Send the form to the BoE of your study programme for approval three months before defence date.

Final Examination Form

Send to 6 weeks prior to defence date at the latest.

These application forms cannot be discussed in the same meeting.
Defence can only take place after approval of both forms.
Please be aware  that If the defense takes place without an approved Thesis Committee you are at high risk of having the result of the master thesis defense declared invalid!