Minor Stage (IO3820-15)

Doing an internship is a good introduction to the daily practice of industrial design. You can do an internship during the Bachelor phase; a Minor Internship (IO3820-15). During this internship you have 20 weeks to decide which direction you want to go after your Bachelor: are you going to a master (at IDE) or do you prefer to start working already? On this page you will find more information about doing an internship and how to apply.


The newest version (January 2023) of the manual for the Minor Internship (IO3820-15) can be downloaded here. Read this manual carefully! Start in time with the preparations for your internship.

Companies and organisations which are interested can find information on internships in the manual for internship companies.


Applying for an internship has to be done through MyTUDelft Cases. This needs to be done at least 10 working days before the start of your internship, but earlier is preferred. MyTUDelft Cases can be found when you log in to your MyTUDelft account. See appendix D of the manual for the application procedure in MyTUDelft Cases.

Currently we are transitioning to MyTUDelft from Osiris. 
For the time being the old CASE button in OSISTUD has been re- enabled. As well an extra Link has been added to my.tudelft.nl called OSIRIS ZAAK (OSISTUD) / OSIRIS CASE (OSISTUD). 
(maybe you need to allow pop-ups from the related website in your browser)

Progress form

You should deliver a short update 5 weeks after the start of your internship (in the mail from Osiris Cases is unfortunately still halfway through the stage). For this, you need the progress form. Send this form to your internship teacher, with a CC to internshipoffice-IO@tudelft.nl.

Company evaluation form

At the end of your internship you will have to deliver, next to your internship report, a company evaluation form, filled out and signed by your company mentor.

Example reports (see more examples on Brightspace "Internship IDE")