How do I let students review their answer after the assignment is graded?

To organise a digital review the assignment has to be graded first. Once that is done, the process to provide a review follow the steps below: First you have to make sure that the settings in the Mobius assignment are correct.

  1. Go to the Mobius Year Class in your course in Brightspace.
  2. In Mobius go to the Content Repository and select the Assignment in question.
  3. Click Edit and go to 3. Properties.
  4. Scroll down until you see the section Feedback (After) and make sure the following settings are set: 
    • Show final grade should be on,
    • Show correct answer should be set to always
    • Show question feedback to always, in case you've given question feedback.
    • Optionally change the Scheduling and Visibility settings. Here you can choose to restrict the student from viewing the correct answers and feedback until a certain date and time.

After making sure that the settings are correct, you have to add a link to the Mobius gradebook to the course.

  1. Go to the Module in Brightspace where you want to add the link.
  2. Click on Existing Activities and select Mobius Assessment.
  3. Select the correct Year Class and Assignment and click Link to Gradebook at the bottom of the pop-up.