

Banerjee, I., Warnier, M., Brazier, F.M. and Helbing, D., 2021. Introducing participatory fairness in emergency communication can support self-organization for survival. Scientific Reports, 11(1), pp.1-9.

Fard, A. E. (2021). Countering Rumours in Online Social Media. Doctoral Thesis.

Fanitabasi, F. Distributed Multi-agent Planning based on Negotiated Incentives in (2021). (not published yet and under review)

Fonseca, X., Lukosch, S., Lukosch, H. K., & Brazier, F. (2021). Requirements for Location-based Games for Social InteractionIEEE Transactions on Games.

Fonseca, X. (2021). Location-Based Games For Social Interaction In Public Space. Doctoral Thesis.

Fonseca, X., Slingerland, G., Lukosch, S., & Brazier, F. (2021). Designing for meaningful social interaction in digital serious gamesEntertainment Computing36, 100385.

Helbing, D., Fanitabasi, F., Giannotti, F., Hänggli, R., Hausladen, C. I., van den Hoven, J., Mahajan, S., Pedreschi, D. & Pournaras, E. Ethics of Smart Cities: Towards Value-Sensitive Design and Co-Evolving City Life in (2021). (not published yet and under review)

L. C. Siebert, R. Mercuur, V. Dignum, J. van den Hoven, and C. Jonker, “Improving Confidence in the Estimation of Values and Norms,” in Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms, and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems XIII, 2021, pp. 98–113.


Alfano, M., Fard, A. E., Carter, J. A., Clutton, P., & Klein, C. (2020). Technologically scaffolded atypical cognition: The case of YouTube’s recommender system. Synthese, 1-24.

Banerjee, I., Warnier, M. and Brazier, F.M., 2020. Ad Hoc Communication Topology Switching during Disasters from Altruistic to Individualistic and Back. In COMPLEXIS (pp. 103-107).

Banerjee, I., Warnier, M. and Brazier, F.M., 2020. Self-organizing topology for energy-efficient ad-hoc communication networks of mobile devices. Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling8(1), pp.1-21.

Fanitabasi, F., Gaere, E. & Pournaras, E. A self-integration testbed for decentralized socio-technical systems. Future Generation Computer Systems 113, 541 (2020).

Fanitabasi, F. & Pournaras, E. Appliance-Level Flexible Scheduling for Socio-Technical Smart Grid Optimization. IEEE Access 8, 119880

Fard A.E., Mohammadi M., de Walle B.. (2020) Detecting Rumours in Disasters: An Imbalanced Learning Approach. In: Krzhizhanovskaya V. et al. (eds) Computational Science – ICCS 2020. ICCS 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12140. Springer, Cham.

Fard, A. E., & Lingeswaran, S. (2020, April). Misinformation battle revisited: Counter strategies from clinics to artificial intelligence. In Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2020 (pp. 510-519).

Fard A.E., Mercuur R., Dignum V., Jonker C.M., van de Walle B. (2020) Towards Agent-Based Models of Rumours in Organizations: A Social Practice Theory Approach. In: Verhagen H., Borit M., Bravo G., Wijermans N. (eds) Advances in Social Simulation. Springer Proceedings in Complexity. Springer, Cham.

Feinberg, A., Ghorbani, A., & Herder, P. (2021). Diversity and Challenges of the Urban Commons: A Comprehensive Review. International Journal of the Commons, 15(1), 1–20. DOI:

Fonseca, X., Lukosch, S. G., & Brazier, F. M. (2020). Secrets of the south: A location-based game for the development of 21 st century social skills and promotion of social interaction. In 2020 Workshop on Designing and Facilitating Educational Location-Based Applications, DELbA 2020.

R. Mercuur, V. Dignum, and C. M. Jonker, “Modelling human routines: Conceptualising social practice theory for agent-based simulation,” arXiv, p. (under review), 2020

R. Mercuur, V. Dignum, and C. Jonker, “Integrating Social Practice Theory in Agent-Based Models: A Review of Theories and Agents,” IEEE Trans. Comput. Soc. Syst., 2020.

Slingerland, G., Fonseca, X., Lukosch, S., & Brazier, F. (2020). Location-based challenges for playful neighbourhood explorationBehaviour & Information Technology, 1-19.


Fanitabasi, F., Pournaras, E. (2019). Appliance-level Flexible Scheduling for Socio-technical Smart Grid Optimisation, arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.03470.

Banerjee, I., Warnier, M., Brazier, F. (2019). “ Ad hoc communication topology switching during disasters: From altruistic to individualistic and back “. conference proceedings (In progress).

Banerjee, I., Helbing, D., Warnier, M., Brazier, F. (2019). “ Self-Organizing for Survival: Introducing fairness in emergency communications“. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (In progress).

Banerjee, I., Warnier, M., Brazier, F. (2019).”Self-organizing and context-adaptive topology control for energy-efficient mobile ad-hoc communication networks "Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling (In progress).

Fanitabasi, F. TG-PSM: Tunable Greedy Packet Sequence Morphing Based on Trace Clustering in (2019). (not published yet and under review)

Fonseca, X., Lukosch, S., & Brazier, F. (2019). Social cohesion revisited: a new definition and how to characterize it. In Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 32(2), 231-253.

Slingerland, G., Fonseca, X., Lukosch, S., & Brazier, F. (2019). Designing Outdoor Playgrounds for Increased Civic Engagement. In CHI ’19, May 4-9, 2019, Glasgow, UK.

Mercuur, Rijk; Dignum, Virginia; Jonker, Catholijn M; (2019) ,The value of values and norms in social simulation,Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation,22,1,9-Jan,2019,Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation.

Mercuur, Rijk, Virginia Dignum, and Catholijn M. Jonker. "Do Habits Fade Out? Discerning Between Two Theories Using Agent-Based Simulation." Advances in Social Simulation: Proceedings of the 15th Social Simulation Conference: 23–27 September 2019. Springer Nature.

Ebrahimi Fard, Amir, Majid Mohammadi, Yang Chen, Bartel Van de Walle. (2019). Computational Rumour Detection without Non-rumour: A One-Class Classification Approach, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems (TCSS), 6(5), 830-846.

Ebrahimi Fard, Amir and Scott Cunningham. (2019). Assessing the Readiness of the Emergent Field of False and Unverified Information, ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality, 11(4), 1-27.

Ebrahimi Fard, Amir, Majid Mohammadi, Scott Cunningham, Bartel Van de Walle. (2019). Rumour As an Anomaly: Rumour Detection with One-Class Classification, ICE/IEEE International Technology Management Conference, Sophia Antipolis, June 2019.

Helbing, D., Frey, B. S., Gigerenzer, G., Hafen, E., Hagner, M., Hofstetter, Y., & Zwitter, A. (2019). Will democracy survive big data and artificial intelligence?. In Towards Digital Enlightenment (pp. 73-98). Springer, Cham.

Nagler, J., van den Hoven, J., & Helbing, D. (2019). An extension of asimov’s robotics laws. In Towards Digital Enlightenment (pp. 41-46). Springer, Cham.

van den Hoven, J., Pouwelse, J., Helbing, D., & Klauser, S. (2019). The Blockchain Age: Awareness, Empowerment and Coordination. In Towards Digital Enlightenment (pp. 163-166). Springer, Cham.

R. Mercuur, V. Dignum, and C. M. Jonker, “Discerning Between Two Theories on Habits with Agent-based Simulation,” in Proceedings of the Social Simulation Conference 2019, 2019, p. (in press).


Šūmane, S., Kunda, I., Knickel, K., Strauss, A., Tisenkopfs, T., des Ios Rios, I., & Ashkenazy, A. (2018). Local and farmers' knowledge matters! How integrating informal and formal knowledge enhances sustainable and resilient agriculture. Journal of Rural Studies, 59, 232-241.

Knickel, K., Redman, M., Darnhofer, I., Ashkenazy, A., Chebach, T. C., Šūmane, S., & Strauss, A. (2018). Between aspirations and reality: Making farming, food systems and rural areas more resilient, sustainable and equitable. Journal of Rural Studies, 59, 197-210.

Ashkenazy, A., Chebach, T. C., Knickel, K., Peter, S., Horowitz, B., & Offenbach, R. (2018). Operationalising resilience in farms and rural regions–findings from fourteen case studies. Journal of rural studies, 59, 211-221.

Rivera, M., Knickel, K., de los Rios, I., Ashkenazy, A., Pears, D. Q., Chebach, T., & Šūmane, S. (2018). Rethinking the connections between agricultural change and rural prosperity: A discussion of insights derived from case studies in seven countries. Journal of Rural Studies, 59, 242-251.

Fanitabasi, F. (2019). A Review of Adversarial Behaviour in Distributed Multi-Agent Optimisation, 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing Companion (UCC Companion).

Fonseca, X., Lukosch, S., & Brazier, F. (2018). Fostering Social Interaction in Playful Cities. In Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation (pp. 286-295). Springer, Cham.

Mercuur, Rijk; (2018). Realistic Agents with Social Practices,Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems,1752-1754 ,International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.

Mercuur, Rijk; Dignum, Virginia; Jonker, Catholijn M; (2018) ,Modelling Agents Endowed with Social Practices: Static Aspects,arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.10981.

Ebrahimi Fard, Amir; Mercuur, Rijk; Dignum, Virginia; Jonker, Catholijn M; Van de Walle, Bartel; (2018) ,Towards Agent-based Models of Rumours in Organizations: A Social Practice Theory Approach,arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.00651.

Mercuur, Rijk; Larsen, John Bruntse; Dignum, Virginia; ,Modelling the social practices of an emergency room to ensure staff and patient wellbeing (2018) ,30th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence,133-147.

Hazenberg Haye, Jeroen van den Hoven, Scott Cunningham, Mark Alfano, Hadi Asghari, Emily Sullivan, Amir Ebrahimi Fard and Elsa Turcios Rodriquez, (2018). Micro-Targeting and ICT media in the Dutch Parliamentary: Technological changes in Dutch Democracy, Technical Report.

Helbing, D. (Ed.). (2018). Towards digital enlightenment: Essays on the dark and light sides of the digital revolution. Springer.

Bennati, S., Dusparic, I., Shinde, R., & Jonker, C. (2018). Volunteers in the Smart City: Comparison of Contribution Strategies on Human-Centered Measures. Sensors, 18(11), 3707.

Shinde, R., Bennati, S., Helbing, D., Verwaart, T., Jonker, C., Ghorbani, A., Herder, P., Warnier, M., Hindriks, K. (2018). Computational analysis of social effects in energy trading in rural India.

Zhilin, S., van den Hoven, J., Helbing, D. (2018). Open Source Urbanism: Beyond Smart Cities.


Knickel, K., Ashkenazy, A., Chebach, T. C., & Parrot, N. (2017). Agricultural modernization and sustainable agriculture: contradictions and complementarities. International journal of agricultural sustainability, 15(5), 575-592.

Blass, V., Chebach, T. C., & Ashkenazy, A. (2017). Sustainable non-renewable materials management. In Sustainable Supply Chains (pp. 87-118). Springer, Cham.

Fonseca, X., Lukosch, S., Lukosch, H., Tiemersma, S., & Brazier, F. (2017, October). Requirements and game ideas for social interaction in mobile outdoor games. In Extended Abstracts Publication of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (pp. 331-337). ACM.

Sebastian Antonia, Kasper Lendering, Baukje Kothuis, Nikki Brand, Bas Jonkman, Maartje Godfroy, Bas Kolen, Tina Comes, Kenny Meesters, Bartel Van de Walle, Amir Ebrahimi Fard, Scott Cunningham, Nima Khakzad Rostami, Vittorio Nespeca, (2017). Hurricane Harvey Report: A fact-finding effort in the direct aftermath of Hurricane Harvey in the Greater Houston Region,  Technical Report, 76-77, 2017.

Dicke, W., Helbing, D., (2017). iGod.

Bennati, S., & Jonker, C. M. (2017). PriMaL: A Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Method for Event Detection in Distributed Sensor Networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.07150.

Feinberg, A., Ghorbani, A., & Herder, P. (2017). The role of online community platforms for the management of the urban commons. Practicing the commons: self-governance, cooperation, and institutional change', Utrecht University, 10-14.

Arthur Feinberg, Elena Hooijschuur, and Amineh Ghorbani. (2017). Simulation of behavioural dynamics within urban gardening communities (E-Participation in Smart Cities: Technologies and Models of Governance for Citizen Engagement)


Kunda, I., Knickel, K., Strauss, A., Tisenkopfs, T., Des Los Rios, I., Rivera, M., & Ashkenazy, A. (2016). Integration of knowledge for sustainable agriculture: why local farmer knowledge matters. In 12th European International Farming Systems Association (IFSA) Symposium, Social and technological transformation of farming systems: Diverging and converging pathways, 12-15 July 2016, Harper Adams University, Newport, Shropshire, UK (pp. 1-13). International Farming Systems Association (IFSA) Europe.