Lezingenreeks: Touching Cellulose

13 september 2021 00:00 t/m 24 september 2021 00:00 - Locatie: Online - Door: Communicatie BK | Zet in mijn agenda

Van 13 tot 24 september vindt de lezingenreeks 'Touching Cellulose' plaats.

Next generation of wood architecture. Architecture and the building industry are in need of a paradigm shift, due to the growing awareness of their huge contribution to global climate change and the ongoing depletion of mineral resources. In order to counter carbon emissions and sourcing building material sustainably, future design and construction are unthinkable without massive use of timber, the only structural building material that stores carbon while it grows in our forests! The introduction of mass timber at the end of the 20th century as an alternative to concrete and steel was already a huge innovation for the construction industry. Now it is time for the next generation of wood architecture in which computer-aided design and robotic manufacturing go hand in hand with a revival of craftsmanship and wood building culture.

More information

  • Find the programme here.
  • More information about the lecture series can be found here.