Martina Vittorietti: General framework for testing Poisson-Voronoi diagrams assumption for diverse microstructural data

26 april 2021 16:00 | Zet in mijn agenda

Modeling microstructures is an interesting problem not just in materials science, but also in mathematics and statistics. The most basic model for steel microstructure is the Poisson-Voronoi diagram. It has mathematically attractive properties and it has been used in the approximation of single-phase steel microstructures. The aim of this talk is to present methods that can be used to test whether a real steel microstructure can be approximated by such a model. Two cases are considered according to the different nature of the data.

In the first case, the hypothesis is tested based on just one two-dimensional (2D) section of real metals. 

In the second case, data coming from serial sectioning (multiple 2D sections) are used.

In both cases, the proposed model tests exploit tools from topological data analysis (TDA), such as persistence landscapes and persistence vineyards.