UTQ-Assess | 5 March

05 maart 2021 09:00 t/m 12:00 - Door: Teaching Academy | Zet in mijn agenda


Target: ASSESS focuses on assessment through exams, projects and assignments. Research has shown that assessment is the one activity that has the most influence on what and how students learn. It can be a great tool for lecturers to guide student development in their fields when constructed and executed in a valid, reliable, transparent, usable manner.

Description: During this blended UTQ module, you will develop or improve an assessment for your course. You may work on an exam, a project or an assignment. The module consists of three parts:

  • First, at course level, you will map out the constructive alignment of all the assessments in your course.
  • Next, you will analyse your students’ results obtained during one of the course assessments. The data will enable you to identify points for improvement in the assessment, and in the course as a whole.
  • Finally, you will develop, or improve one of your course assessments and grading guide, and reflect on your assessment practice.

Unless otherwise stated, the courses early 2021 will be held online.
The cost of this UTQ module is 700 euro and can be charged to your faculty.

Note: you must complete UTQ DEVELOP before you can take UTQ ASSESS. You also need to have either exam or final project results to evaluate before taking this course.

For additional information click here

More information via TLS Opleidingsportaal (if you have a staff Ned-ID) or send an email to bko@tudelft.nl