Shobhit Jain: Dynamics-based model reduction for nonlinear finite element models

16 september 2022 12:30 t/m 13:30 - Locatie: Snijderszaal (EWI, LB 01.010) | Zet in mijn agenda

The prediction of a steady-state response to an externally applied dynamic load is of special significance in engineering applications. Despite the broad availability of dedicated software packages, the prediction and continuation of steady-state response in such systems remains a serious computational challenge for full-scale nonlinear finite element models.

The recent theory of Spectral Submanifolds (SSM) has laid the foundation for a rigorous model reduction of such nonlinear systems, leading to reliable steady-state response predictions within feasible computation times. Further developments have made the direct computation of such invariant manifolds and their reduced dynamics scalable to realistic, nonlinear finite-element models.

In this talk, we survey the basics of SSM theory and show how SSMs can be used to achieve an exact reduced-order model based in rigorous dynamical systems theory. We demonstrate application of these reduced-order models towards the extraction of nonlinear forced response curves in realistic finite-element models of complex systems.