R Café: A gentle introduction to building web apps with R Shiny

30 mei 2023 12:00 t/m 13:30 - Locatie: Library, Blue Room | Zet in mijn agenda

In this event, we will provide a short introduction Shiny, followed by a practical session.

About R Café meetings

Our informal get-togethers are open to anyone who wishes to join – no prior experience with R is necessary. Oh, and did we mention there's free coffee and pizza?

About our community

We are a group of R enthusiasts from across the TU Delft campus that meet monthly to discuss questions from the very broad “Why should I use R?” to the hyper-specific “Why is my code not working?!”. We can help you with getting started, or simply getting “unstuck" so you can organize, analyze, and visualize your data using the free and open-source programming language, R.