Li Zou

Li Zou is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Multimedia Computing Group, Department of Intelligent Systems at the Delft University of Technology. She received the MSc degree from Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, in 2019. Her research interests are the prediction and modeling of temporal networks.


  1. L Zou, XX Zhan, J Sun, A Hanjalic, H Wang, Temporal Network Prediction and Interpretation, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 1-1
  2. L Zou, C Wang, A Zeng, Y Fan, Z Di, Connecting node age with centrality measurement in growing networks, Social Networks 65, 1-7
  3. L Zou, A Wang, A Zeng, Y Fan, Z Di, Link prediction in growing networks with aging, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2019 (7), 073403