Japan: Tsunami reconstruction Yuriage











デルフトでの準備を終えたあと、東北大学で、シャレットの方法を用いたグループワークショップが行われました。その目的は、閖上の復興が、どのように計画され、実践されたのか、 復興計画方法がどの様に位置付けられたのかを、可能な限り、学際的な視野で理解するためです。







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Results research group
Hooimeijer, F., Bricker, J., & Iuchi, K. (2018). An interdisciplinary approach to urban reconstruction after the 2011 tsunami. TU Delft Delta Links,

Results project group

The proposals for Vlissingen were elaborated on by the interdisciplinary project group in an iterative approach in which they would develop their part separately and bring it together again in two steps. This resulted in a final paper.
[link: https://repository.tudelft.nl/islandora/object/uuid%3A09295919-66cc-42eb-9955-03ffdef1ce83?collection=education

Results thesis group
In addition to the big picture and detailed designs for Vlissingen, the group of MSc thesis students developed their individual thesis that addressed disciplinary topics in detail but in the context of the other disciplines.

[Urbanism] Nasiem Vafa
To make the tsunami reconstruction of prefecture of Tohoku more resilient, the Dutch approach of Regional Design is tested. This approach balances out the local qualities on the larger scale and reinforces them on the smaller scale. For this scale three urban designs are made, for a tsunami mitigating riverbed, renewable energy plan and the development of a Transit Oriented Design location, or TOD.

[Transport] Robert Möhring
The TOD is part of the transport and planning thesis in which a regional transport design is made to respond to demographic changes of a shrinking and aging society. Using a demand, transport and land use feedback circle the design also integrates land use planning into the transport system with the goal to be able to face an uncertain future with economic, social, and environmental shifts.

[Geo Engineering] Mustaqim
The geo engineering project focussed on the stability of geotextile reinforced-slope with Yuriage raised area as the case study. Two methods were used for analysis, first using Limit Equilibrium Method and second using Finite Element method.  In Japan, a lot of concrete is used and the application of geotextile could make these spaces less steep and multifunctional for ecological and recreational use. Application of geotextile has been proven safe during the 2011 earthquake.

[Urbanism] Jesse Dobbelsteen
The geotextile is also applied in the Urbanism thesis, which takes the reconstruction of Yuriage to the level of Modern Urban Renewal. This includes topics of water management and energy and includes the introduction of spatial quality.

[Transport] Marieke van Dijk
To be able to qualitatively assess the tsunami resiliency of a transport system the first step is to decompose this concept into determining factors of tsunami resilience. This forms an assessment matrix that is also tested on Oahu, the most urban Hawaiian island.

[Hydraulic engineering] Tony Glasbergen
The last project uses hydraulic engineering experiments and simulations of tsunami shoaling and runup, to optimize the effectiveness of coastal dikes and seawalls in mitigating tsunami damage.