Delft Social Sensing Lab, Managing Big Urban Data for Analysing and Modelling Cities

Themes: Software technology & Intelligent systems, Social Impact

Late lab scale demonstration

A TRL is a measure to indicate the matureness of a developing technology. When an innovative idea is discovered it is often not directly suitable for application. Usually such novel idea is subjected to further experimentation, testing and prototyping before it can be implemented. The image below shows how to read TRL’s to categorise the innovative ideas.

Click to enlarge


To solve urban problems is to improve quality of life. Our goal is to improve the understanding of urban environment by enriching and interpreting big urban data through social sensing.


By integrating, enriching, and interpreting machine and human generated data. Through big data analysis, simulations, and crowdsourcing we aim at providing citizens, decision- and policy-makers with actionable knowledge.


As a better urban knowledge leads to better actions, our research could have an immediate societal impact. We are developing a set of prototype "City Dashboards" for several European cities.

Dr. Stefano Bocconi


Achilleas Psyllidis

Christiaan Titos Bolivar

Dr. Alessandro Bozzon

Dr. Birna van Riemsdijk