When introducing the idea of “Self Service” process in airports, the service landscape has changed. Because of that, experience of travel is no longer the same as before. Correctly communicate the change of service to passengers and guide them intuitively will secure passenger experience and hence increase self-service adoption rate. It is a challenge for airports and airlines today. 

In thesis "Redesign the self-service check-in process", a process of exploration and design iteration was conducted with the purpose of giving guidelines and passenger-centric thinking to airport suppliers when introducing self-service in airport process. When improving the self-service process from the passengers’ point of view, a friendly airport can be successfully shaped.

A concept which passenger encounters with different service touchpoints along their journey. These touchpoints were designed to support passenger approaching the self-service bag drop.
Portal concept was tested in Brussels Airport to verify whether if it supports passenger navigation and understanding of the check-in area landscape.
Passenger conducting self-service bag drop.
The banklining process in the check-in process.