An estimation of the human head, neck and back contour in an aircraft seat

In this research, the head, neck and back contour of a human while sitting in two different aircraft seats, performing two tasks (namely watching in-flight entertainment (IFE) and working on a laptop) are estimated by using a kyphometer. 

The research question was to find if anthropometric properties, the design of the chair and the performed activity has influence on the back contour of a person.  This research indicates that the maximum variation of these contours occur on the upper back, neck and head. By dividing the data in four groups, based on the upper body length, the height at which significant difference occurs was determined.

Test setup

The test set-up used for determining the head, neck and back contour of the participants.
Model: The models of two airplane chairs that were used, the Z300 and Signature concept seat of Zodiac.
Kyphometer: Kyphometer that was used to determine the head, neck and back contour of the participants
Meting: Using the kyphometer to determine the back contour in two different airplane chairs.


  • N. Nijholt
  • T. Tuinhof
