Solving todays complex problems requires leaders who, in the first place, are comfortable with technology, models, and quantitative analyses. However, simply understanding technology is not enough. We need leaders who know how to deal with many non-technological factors. A change leader will often be faced with many actors and different interests, with media attention, with uncertainties or political game playing.

In this course, students learn how to deal with these phenomena. The course guides students through real-world cases, gives an overview of leadership insights, and encourages students to develop leadership skills with help of professional actors. There is a series of small projects, that the students worked on - both individually and in groups. The project presented below is a scientific poster on a research question regarding leadership in a complex world.

Leadership with kindness in a Complex World by Pien Wetselaar, Suzanne Wink, Tim van Dam, Matt van Kessel & Leo Zheng
Leadership of the TU Delft during the pandemic by Ethan Keller, Piyush Deshmukh & Rens Olsthoorn
Leadership with kindness in a Complex World by Pien Wetselaar, Suzanne Wink, Tim van Dam, Matt van Kessel & Leo Zheng