BSc degree from a Dutch university

If you hold a BSc degree from the TU Delft/Erasmus Nanobiology programme you can be directly admitted to the Master’s programme. The application process is conducted through Studielink

If you hold a BSc degree from another programme you may be required to take additional courses in a ‘bridging programme’. In the Nanobiology programme this is always customised on the basis of your prior education. The programme coordinators will work with you to determine what (if any) bridging coursework you need to complete.

Expected knowledge

The MSc programme in Nanobiology builds on students’ broad scientific knowledge and research skills. University-level knowledge in mathematics, physics, biology (including Molecular Biology), organic chemistry, and programming, is essential for success. 

Applicants with knowledge or skill deficiencies will be required to overcome these to be eligible for the programme. Applicants coming from a Dutch university are eligible to address these deficiencies with a bridging programme.

If you are a graduate (or about to graduate) from a Dutch university and want to discuss your application and whether you would need to do a bridging programme, please complete the Knowledge matrix as best you can, and send it and your list of completed and planned courses to