Your career perspectives

Obtaining a PhD at TU Delft is one of the highest levels of academic achievements that will offer you a solid basis for your future career, both inside and outside academia. Check out where our recent alumni are working now and what support TU Delft offers to help you explore the various career opportunities.

Your career perspectives

Many PhD alumni stay in academia, but there are also interesting other jobs and career routes where you can make use of your skills and expertise as a researcher, e.g.:

  • Working in the tech industry
  • Working at a research institute
  • Working in government
  • Starting your own business

Career counselling and training

To help you orientate on your career opportunities after your PhD, TU Delft offers:

  • Career counselling
  • Trainings & workshops
  • Events

TU Delft Career Centre helps you on your way to transition to your next step.

By the numbers

Every year we conduct a survey among recently graduated PhDs to ask them about their career development after obtaining their PhD. Read more about their experiences in the “Factsheet Alumni Survey”.

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