
Titles of backend layouts

A few backend layout titles were altered:

  • "Content page for aanbod content" became "Content page - Catalog"
  • "Content page that is full width" became "Content page - Full width"
  • "Content page with left column" became "Content page - Aside"

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Titles of backend features

A few backend features were renamed.

In the appearance tab the indentation options were renamed:
"wit met zijlijn" became "themeblock"  and "image fullwidth with caption" became "image caption"

Also, within the layout settings was the option "used for content on special pages that need whitespace left and right", which was changed into "Narrow column content".


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Anchoring facets

Minor nuisance regarding facets on search pages: selecting a facet would reload to the top of the page, instead of the top of the search results.

Now, whenever search facets or search results don't automatically start within the first 50% of the page the facets will anchor to the first available facet or result on the page.

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