Measuring Urban PV Potential at TU Delft

There is a significant opportunity to scale up clean electricity generation in cities through the use of solar PV across urban environments. When it comes to urban areas, however, complex geometry makes it computationally, and sometimes conceptually, difficult to calculate the irradiation received on the surface to estimate its PV potential. Our work focuses on assessing the solar potential of complex geometry. 

As part of this project, we are developing a map of TU Delft campus, to visualize the solar potential of complex geometries. As buildings can be identified by the CO2 roadmap, checking current energy characteristics, load capacity of roofs as well as technical possibilities for renovation and related circularity, high priority buildings for PV installation will be identified and matched to property strategy as well as combined with green facades and roofs. The results of this research aim to serve as a valuable input for strategic planning of CRE&FM TU Delft for the decades to come.


  • Dr. Hesan Ziar, Assistant Professor
  • Dr. Olindo Isabella, Associate Professor
  • Yilong Zhou, PhD Candidate

Partners: TU Delft Campus Real Estate

News and Related Resources:

Research LineIntegrating Photovoltaics into Urban Structures, X-IPV systems