J.M.C. Mol J.M.C. Mol



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  • 2023-11-13

    Fellow Netherlands Academy of Engineering

    Elk jaar vanaf 2024 selecteert het NAE jaarlijks maximaal 10 nieuwe Fellows.
    In 2023 – het eerste jaar van zijn bestaan – zal NAE van start gaan met in totaal 55 nieuwe Fellows, aanvullend op de Fellows die het huidige oprichtingsbestuur vormen.

  • 2022-8-29

    European Corrosion Medal

    The purpose of the European Corrosion Medal is to recognise achievements by a scientist, or group of scientists, in the application of corrosion science in the widest sense. The recipient(s) must be of a nationality corresponding to one, or more, of the Member Societies of the EFC and the work must be conducted within a European country. The European Corrosion Medal is awarded every year, preferably on the occasion of a European Corrosion Congress (EUROCORR). The laureate is invited to give a lecture related to the work for which the medal was attributed.
    EUROCORR 2022

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