K. (Kutay) Bölat MSc

K. (Kutay) Bölat MSc



Kutay is a PhD researcher under the  Intelligent Electrical Power Grids (IEPG) group. He received his first Bachelor's degree in  Electronics and Communication Engineering at Istanbul Technical University (ITU). Later, he earned his Bachelor's degree in  Control and Automation Engineering as his second major from the same university and decided to continue his research under this department. Consequently, he completed his Master's education in  Control and Automation Engineering at ITU. During his Bachelor's studies, he researched the  design and implementation of next-generation (physical) communication systems, as well as  indoor localization via channel state information. He focused his research towards the  integrations between Deep Learning and Fuzzy Systems during his Master's. His research interests are mainly  probabilistic machine learningvariational Bayesian methods, and  (deep) generative models. His doctoral research is focused on the applications of these topics into electrical grid data in order to overcome practical shortcomings such as  data unavailability, missing data, multi-rate fusion, and  asynchronicity.

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