3. Electives


Electives are included in the MSC TIL programme for two reasons:
- They allow you to tailor the programme to your requirements;
- They support the interdisciplinary character of the programme.

A wide range of courses is offered, including those from (other) specialisations. You are obliged to choose electives from T&P, T&L, TEL and from other TIL related fields, such as air transport (in Electives C&O), maritime transport, sustainability, ethics, etc. (in Electives TIL).


You must choose at least one course from each of the following categories:

  • Electives T&P - Transport and Planning
    MSc Civil Engineering, track Transport and Planning.
  • Electives T&L - Transport and Logistics
    MSc COSEM, domain specialisation Transport and Logistics.
  • Electives TEL - Transportation Engineering
    MSc Mechanical Engineering, track Transport Engineering and Logistics.

You must also choose at least one course (as external elective) from one of the following categories:

  • Electives C&O - Control and Operations
    MSc Aerospace Engineering, track Control and Operations.
  • Electives U - Urbanism 
    MSc Architecture, Urbanism & Building Sciences.
  • Electives TIL - Other TIL fields
    MSc programmes Marine Technology, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences as well as interfaculty or service education.


An additional choice of elective projects and also free electives:


Electives can be chosen from all contributing MSc programmes, other MSc programmes of Delft University of Technology or other universities in the Netherlands.
Your awarded Electives have to add up to 27 EC. Within the required 27 EC you must choose at least four courses outside your specialisation, within the rules as given above. The eventually remaining credits may be chosen otherwise.