Ir. S.R.M. (Stefan) Salome


Stefan is an external PhD candidate at the Policy Analysis section of the TU Delft Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management. He obtained his bachelor’s degree ‘Technische Bestuurskunde’ and his master’s degree ‘Engineering & Policy Analysis’ from this faculty as well. His thesis on Multi-Resolution Modeling for military assets eventually led to an external PhD position. The position is funded by Copernicos, a tech consultancy in asset management.


Stefan’s PhD research focusses on the relation between simulation models at different levels of detail. The idea is to enable the design and alignment of policies on different levels; i.e. from high-level strategies to an operational implementation. In the asset management domain, he works on a diverse set of cases for Rijkswaterstaat, Deltares, and the Royal Dutch Navy.

Stefan Salome

PhD Candidate

Multi-Actor Systems

Policy Analysis

Mondays & Tuesdays

Marlies Leuvenink

Research interests:
Multi-Resolution Modeling
Exploratory Modeling & Analysis
Asset Management