Sina Eslamizadeh

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PhD Candidate

I am a PhD candidate within the Energy and Industry section at the TBM faculty of Delft University of Technology. I hold a bachelor's in industrial engineering and an MBA. Before I start my PhD at TU Delft, I have worked in the railway industry for several years, where I gained substantial experience about the industrial sector, which triggered me to follow my passion regarding sustainable development as a PhD. In my PhD, I am studying the transition to renewable power in the industrial sector. I proposed the model of "community energy systems" among industries located in an industrial cluster to achieve a decentralized electricity supply approach. To have a thorough investigation of the underlying factors leading to a successful industrial community energy system (InCES), societal, economic, and institutional challenges have been considered. To do so, I used agent-based modeling to simulate the dynamics of the interaction among the industrial companies while also considering the economic and institutional attributes of the context in which an industrial community energy system is supposed to be established. Advanced data analytics are also a part of my research.