Webinar: The Real Performance of Energy Renovations in the Dutch Housing Sector

31 maart 2021 14:00 - Locatie: Online - Door: IEBB Theme 2 Consortium | Zet in mijn agenda

This webinar was led by the Theme 2 IEBB Project Consortium. Read more about IEBB here.
Olivia Guerra-Santin, Professor, TU Eindhoven & Twan Rovers, PhD Researcher, Saxion University

Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2021

This webinar provides a snapshot of the Dutch experience on how renovation concepts actually perform in practice. It answers the following questions:

  • What energy and behavioural data is being gathered through energy monitoring in the residential sector? How is the data currently being utilized?
  • What does the data tell us about actual energy use and resident perceptions?
  • How can monitoring be improved to help develop better energy models, and help building owners optimize their investments in energy renovation projects?
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