The Civil Quests: Engineering Solutions

Discover your path in Civil Engineering by exploring different tracks within this MSc programme. During this event you’ll get the chance to tackle not just one challenging case, but three!

Join us on June 4 and delve into a specific quest presented by three of your selected tracks.

Like finding the quickest, green routes in the Transport Network Challenge, coming up with a solution for buildings to withstand earthquakes or maybe building the tallest sandcastle within a certain amount of time. You can also choose to engage in non-destructive testing to demonstrate your level of precision and accuracy or show your skills during a challenge created by both Hydraulic Engineering and Hydraulic and Offshore Structures tracks.

Get ready to demonstrate your proficiency on several levels, push yourself to find innovative engineering solutions and have fun doing it!

Who: second and third year BSc students, hbo Civil Engineering or Built Environment graduate students

Are you deciding on your MSc? Then this is your opportunity to experience multiple tracks within the Civil Engineering MSc programme. The tracks are:

Register below for this quest and define your future!

When: June 4, from 11:00 to 18:00 hrs.
Where: CEG faculty, building 23 (main entrance)


11:00 Welcome and introduction
11:30 Starting
11:30 Quests round 1
12:45 Lunch
13:45 Quests round 2 and 3
17:00 Drinks and prize ceremony
18:00 End

Don't miss this opportunity to stand out and shape the future of civil engineering!

Registration form

CiTG - The Civil Quests: Engineering Solutions

The Civil Quests: Engineering Solutions - aanmeldformulier
Which challenges do you want to take on? Choose three.