Prof. Brian Seger | Technical University of Denmark

A synchrotron analysis of high current density CO2 electrolysis devices

This talk will analyze CO2 electrolysis from a device perspective to provide insight into what are the bottlenecks in the field and how to resolve them. We will focus on our synchrotron based results using small angle and wide angle x-ray scattering as well as x-ray fluorescence to observe CO2 electrolysis devices in real time while concomitantly measuring anode and cathode product distributions. During higher current density (>100 mA/cm2) CO2 electrolysis devices are prone to cathodic ‘flooding’ leading to greatly enhanced hydrogen production. Via our various in-situ analysis tools, we can explain the basis for this flooding, which is primarily due to salt deposition. By analyzing various salts (Li+, Na+, K+, Cs+) of differing solubility we show this trend more clearly. As Cs cations fluoresce, this allows us to show how an applied potential drags these cation salts through an anion exchange membrane, leading to the salt build-up and concomitant deposition in these electrolyzers. As CO electrolysis allows us to switch to more soluble hydroxide salts, we show this is a major key to ensuring long-term stability (>100 hours).


Brian Seger received his B.Sc in Chemical Engineering from the University of Toledo in 2003, and worked with Prashant Kamat at the University of Notre Dame where he received his PhD in 2009. After a year post-doc with Lian Zhou Wang in the University of Queensland, he started at DTU Physics as a postdoc and is now a full professor in Physics. His earlier work focused on fuel cells and photoelectrochemistry, with more recent work focusing on electrosynthesis studies particularly related to CO2 and CO electrolysis.