Exploring imperturbability at The Design Village in Delhi (India)

News - 07 March 2024

This February, four design students from three different Industrial Design Engineering master's programs travelled to India to participate in the second Joint Studio, a collaborative effort between Delft University of Technology, Politecnico di Milano, and The Design Village (TDV). A total of twenty students came together, forming five multicultural teams.  Over the course of a week, these teams delved into the overarching theme of imperturbability, defined by the Oxford Dictionary as "not easily upset or worried by a difficult situation; calm." 

The week began on Monday afternoon with an introduction to the design school and an engaging ice-breaking session in which we weaved together using Indian villaging techniques. Tuesday morning all the groups went out for ethnographic research, conducted in different parts of Delhi, to observe how people cope with their surroundings and maintain focus on their daily routine amidst the chaos. Following this, two days were spent at a gnostic center elsewhere in the city to relax, practice meditation and yoga, all to cultivate your own sense of imperturbability. These days were also very useful for personal reflection, group work and to get to know everyone in the group better. The week wrapped up with two days focused on finalizing projects and sharing the outcomes with one another. 

Looking back, visiting The Design Village and diving into the distinct culture of India was an incredible experience. Collaborating in multicultural teams revealed how every student brings their own unique perspective to the table and that by combining these lenses surprising results can be reached. Also, the theme of imperturbability encouraged personal reflection and stimulated discussions amongst each other on societal differences, the nature of privilege and various beliefs. An experience not to forget!