Yan Vogel

I was raised from immigrant family in the countryside of the southmost part of Spain. In 2009 I moved to the city to pursue my universities studies, and graduated from the University of Seville, Spain, with a B.S. in chemistry and a M.S. in electrochemistry (2014, advisors Manuela Rueda and Francisco Prieto). In 2015 I moved to Australia to start my PhD studies under the guidance of Simone Ciampi at the University of Wollongong. The year after we relocated to Curtin University, graduating in 2020 (top 1%). After completing my PhD, I worked for one year as a postdoc in Ciampi’s group. In 2021 I joined the NCfun group here at Delft University as a postdoc with a fellowship (Postdoc.Mobility) from the Swiss National Science Foundation to study electron transfers within quantum dot-molecule complexes.

My research background focuses on the study of electron transfers at interfaces, processes ubiquitous in nature and industry. For example, I studied proton-coupled electron transfers, essential steps of the respiratory chain that keep us alive. During my PhD I developed a new concept to localise chemical reactivity by inducing electron transfers at the semiconductor/liquid interface with the use of a focused light beam. I also ventured into the field of triboelectrochemistry, electron transfers at insulating interfaces such that of liquids with plastics, oils and gases, which are still rather unknown but might have wide implications to our understanding of environmental chemistry, chemical catalysis, and industrial hazards. A list of my works can be found here: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=70ZqMPsAAAAJ&hl=en

During my spare time I like to read about science and philosophy. I also love cycling so I think Netherlands will be a nice place for me. I find cooking enjoyable and entertaining, sometimes as much as eating. Finally, I try to put my grain of sand in making a better world outside science; specifically, I am active in social movements that aim for greater freedom and democracy for everyone.

Yan Vogel