Dialogue sessions on collaboration with the fossil fuel industry

In November, a number of open sessions will be organised in which TU Delft students and staff will discuss specific aspects of whether, and if so, how we should collaborate with the fossil fuel industry.

The dates and times of the open dialogues are:

  • Friday, 10 November 15:00-17:00
  • Wednesday, 22 November, 15:30-17:15 – FULL – registration no longer possible
  • Wednesday, 17 January 2024, 11:30 -13:00

If you are not able to register, please send a message to climate-action@tudelft.nl. A limited number of places are available for the sessions. If there are more applications than places available, we will draw lots to allocate the available places. In doing so, we will take into account representation of the different faculties, gender balance, and a good balance between students, academic staff (junior and senior) and support staff.

Design and purpose

The purpose of the open dialogues is to give people the opportunity to actively participate in the exchange of ideas on this topic and to facilitate interaction between people with different perspectives. During the dialogues, we will divide into smaller groups to address the issue in greater depth by means of statements, dilemmas and real-life examples. Participants are therefore invited to contribute their own examples.

What will be done with the results?

The dialogues are neither a statistical analysis of views within TU Delft nor a form of democratic decision-making. They are intended to find out about the views and concerns that exist among the TU Delft community. The findings of the dialogues will be included as sub-reports in the advisory report to be presented to the Executive Board upon completion of the entire programme. The arguments, concerns and ideas raised during the dialogues will also serve as input for the moral deliberation to be organised on the issue.

We realise that it is not always easy to express your opinion in public. Therefore, we are also opening a mailbox where everyone associated with TU Delft can submit their complaints and ideas.