Visual Computing

In this theme, you apply computing techniques for acquisition, processing, analysis and synthesis of images and 3D-digital shapes. With this, you can solve visual problems that are repetitive or require expert knowledge including medical diagnosis, autonomous vehicles/robots, and industrial inspection. Your solutions allow machines to meaningfully assist or even completely take-over such visual tasks. You will extensively study deep learning to learn visual features from huge, annotated datasets. Topics include image formation, multi-scale analysis, style transfer, deep fakes, image/video classification/detection/segmentation, point-clouds, meshes, radiance fields, etc.

Year 1

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Data management and Engineering Software Engineering and Testing for AI Systems Responsible Data Science and AI Engineering Research course
Machine and Deep Learning Theme 1 Theme 1 Theme 1
Probabilistic AI and Reasoning Theme 2 Theme 2 Theme 2

Credits: each course in a theme is 5EC, so each theme is 15EC.

Students choose 2 themes, each of which has 3 courses in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of the 1st year. For this theme, you will take the following courses:

Q2 - Applied Image Processing

Q3 - Computer Vision

Q4 - 3D Visual Computing