Grade Point Average statement TU Delft

Sometimes application procedures for Master's degrees abroad, for grants or for jobs, can require the Grade Point Average (GPA) of your degree programme. What is this, how is it calculated, who can apply and how do you get it?

What is a GPA?

The GPA is determined by the average of your final results, weighted according to credits. It is expressed in grade points to two decimal. A GPA comprises the final results (numerals only) achieved at the end of modules. Naturally in the case of resits, only the higher mark is used.

How is the GPA calculated?

Your GPA is the average of the results you achieved in fulfilment of the requirements for your degree. This means that results achieved in any additional modules are not included as these are not part of your study programme.

Results achieved in the Honours Programme are not included in your GPA as it is an extracurricular programme.

Who can apply for a GPA statement?

Applying for a GPA statement is only possible for BSc and MSc students who have an active enrolment or completed the BSc or MSc program at the TU Delft. There must be an examination programme registered in Osiris with at least one positive result. In case of missing passed courses in the examination programme, please contact Study Programme Administration

GPAs are not issued for bridging programmes, external minor-students and incoming exchange students.

How do I request a GPA statement?

For a GPA statement you can contact the Service Desk of your faculty or Contact Centre ESA by requesting the GPA statement through their Statements website, even if you have not completed your degree programme.