As its name suggests, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) combines techniques from various martial arts. It features elements from judo, karate, kung fu, kickboxing, Thai boxing, boxing, jujitsu and wrestling. What makes MMA different is that it can be done standing up and on the ground.

The MMA group lesson is intended for everyone, at all levels. You can always take part, whether or not you have experience. After a warm-up, you will set to work, led by an experienced trainer. You will be taught a range of techniques, originating from various martial arts. Punch bags and other equipment can be used and one of the other participants will be your sparring partner. 

Schedule & enrolment


Shely Santana dos Santos

Shely started practicing Capoeira when he was eight years old. In 2007 he started as a Capoeira instructor, until 2013 in Argentina. Besides Capoeira, Shely started kickboxing in 2004. In 2009 he had his first professional fight.


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Practical Information

Wear your own martial arts suit and bring any protective gear.