05 juni 2018
Do you want to participate and work in a multicultural team of students on the future of smart cities? In 2017, the Netherlands Embassy in South Africa organised CoCreateMYCITY Durban, with 10 South African and 10 Dutch students working together on local challenges in the city of Durban. At the end of June there will be a follow-up: CoCreateMYCITY Delft . This time, 5 MSc-students from South Africa and 5 MSc-students from TU Delft will work tackling local challenges of the city of Delft.
Starting the 21st of May Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) provided a training to lecturers of various Rwanda knowledge institutes on entrepreneurship focusing on the 10 step Valorisation Canvas. The training was provided by Frederieke Muijs (Valorisation Centre) and Ellen van Andel (Delft Centre for Entrepreneurship) and requested by the SEAD project aimed at strengthening capacity to achieve sustainable food security in Rwanda, funded by Nuffic. A week filled with various activities ranging from practicing using tools like the Business Model Canvas to receiving guest lectures from entrepreneurs in Rwanda.
24 mei 2018
Beheer van de woningvoorraad gaat in Ghana op veel plaatsen gepaard met chronisch achterstallig onderhoud. De werkwijze van Nederlandse woningcorporaties biedt handvatten voor een oplossing, blijkt uit onderzoek van promovendus Samson Aziabah.
02 mei 2018
In the week of April 16, all 13 international partners of the EU H2020 iTRACK project gathered at the TPM faculty for a full week of technology integration and testing of the ambitious iTrack system, an advanced system for real-time tracking and monitoring to support humanitarian operations in the dire conditions of conflict disasters.
26 april 2018
Professor Nick van de Giesen heeft een IBM Technology & Data-beurs ontvangen in de vorm van gratis gebruik van supercomputing en weergegevens. Het project van prof. Van de Giesen en Camille le Coz (beiden verbonden aan de afdeling Water Management) richt zich op weergegevens over Afrika en het simuleren van de neerslag in dat werelddeel, met als doel boeren weerbaarder te maken.