
Are you researching sustainability at TU Delft, or just interested in reading up on how TU Delft management, GreenTU, and other groups on campus are working on sustainability? The resources listed on this page can be of interest to you!

Sustainability report

In the GreenTU Vision on Sustainability report, written by our Research committee, all kinds of information on these topics has been collected.

You can press the following boxes to download and read the reports of the last few years, or you can come visit GreenTU at the Hive to read it in print!

Other resources

Across the TU Delft campus, GreenTU has been facilitating the creation and activities of faculty-specific GreenTeams. Many of these teams have since written an Inventory Report about the state of sustainability at their faculty, as well as their recommendations for action.

TU Delft has four sustainable goals for its campus, namely that it is: carbon-neutral, circular, healthy, and has an eye for biodiversity and ecology. To make this first goal concrete, Andy van den Dobbelsteen (now university sustainability coordinator) and Tess Blom have authored the TU Delft CO2 Roadmap, which includes an extensive overview of the state of affairs and offers measures towards a carbon-neutral campus. In the same vein, the TU Delft CO2 Footprint Report is now a yearly staple. For specific numbers on variables such as electricity, heat, water, and primary energy demand of TU Delft campus buildings, you can explore the Energy Monitor.

Did you know that TU Delft has published its Vision on Climate Action? This document establishes where TU Delft stands on climate action, starting from what climate science says and going over what active research areas are of interest.

Looking for easy and affordable tips and tricks to live a more sustainable student life? Have a look at thé Student Guide to Sustainable Living written by Industrial Ecology students Alexandra Lamp, Chantal Brugge and Youri Haak!