Master Thesis

The thesis project is the ultimate step in the master’s programme, where you apply and extend your knowledge as you conduct research and formulate a DSAIT solution. You can find information about thesis topics, and their connection with the DSAIT themes on an online platform and you can organise a meeting with potential thesis supervisors. At least one scientific staff member from the Software Technology (ST) or Intelligent Systems (INSY) departments will supervise and guide you. For projects carried out in a company, the supervisory team is expanded with a daily co-supervisor from the company.

The thesis project process is embedded in the faculty graduation procedures, consisting of regulated project planning, feedback, and progress monitoring during the thesis project. At the start of the thesis project, you and your supervisor develop a project plan. Ten weeks into the project, the supervisor carries out the first-stage review, followed by greenlight review 14 weeks later. A formal thesis defence in front of the audience and a thesis committee concludes the thesis project six weeks later.

Year 2

Quarter 5

Quarter 6

Quarter 7

Quarter 8

Deepening / broadening electives
Master Thesis

Credits: the thesis project is 45EC