Dimitris Xenakis

Name: Dimitris Xenakis, Greek
Bachelor: Geoinformatics and Cartography at Harokopio University of Athens

If you are about to join the programme, prepare yourself for the most exciting rollercoaster of your life.

Have you ever been asked what experience you would never change in life? If you were to ask me, I could say hands-down that it was studying Geomatics at TU Delft. Obviously, in the same way as someone could not easily describe a taste, I certainly could not put my stunning impressions into words accurately enough. Still, here's my two cents’ worth.

Starting with the bad news: if you want the degree, you will have to sweat (A LOT!). Indeed, the great reputation and career prospects don't come for free, so expect to spend most of your day on things related to your studies. I started the MSc with a good background in programming and mathematics, which helped! And this was the bad news.

Now the good news: first of all, you will gain great competence and expertise in your specific field of interest. The MSc has been designed to be very forward-looking and flexible. For instance, in my case, I was even allowed to follow a course outside our study programme as it would be very helpful to my thesis. Yet, the acquisition of knowledge will not stop at the curriculum. You are about to interact with inspiring academics and intelligent people of different backgrounds and be given access to facilities that belong in the year 2050, technologically.

And, to give the devil his due, the above-mentioned is just half of the benefit to you! The other half lies in your social life and all those once-in-a-lifetime experiences as a student living alongside thousands of other students. So, if you are about to join the programme, prepare yourself for the most exciting rollercoaster of your life.