Testimonial Meinske Haak

Programme: Double degree, MoT and LST
Year of study: 3rd

I started my Double Degree Master programme in September 2018, with the Master Life Science and Technology combined with Management of Technology at the TU Delft. Combining management with engineering is what I am truly interested in. How can you help niche markets to implement their technologies? How can you innovate in a sustainable way? These questions are especially interesting for biotechnology and are going to become even more so, as we are working in a new and innovative field. Companies are looking for people who can connect engineers with business. Do you like translating technical solutions into a more comprehensive implementation? Then this combination is for you!

My LST specialisation “Biocatalysis” gives me a perfect insight into the production of pharmaceuticals and other industrial compounds in a greener way. It involves a lot of organic chemistry, modelling and engineering skills. It’s mainly focused on enzymes, producing compounds with high specificity and less waste products compared to traditional chemical production reactions. Also, the mandatory courses of the LST programme have contributed to me becoming a real bio-engineer. In each quarter you are required to work in groups to solve analytical, mathematical and biological aspects of life sciences engineering. I can attest that it’s highly motivating to work with fellow students with different specialisations and backgrounds in the mandatory courses. But don’t worry, you have enough freedom to choose courses and electives which you really like, for example from Biochemical Engineering & Biocatalysis to Cell Factory!

After my graduation I would like to work in a company with a green vision. Making the economy and industry more sustainable is becoming more important and is interesting at the same time. I would like to work for a big company such as Danone, Unilever, DSM or Friesland Campina, to develop my skills further by attending a traineeship programme. Next to my studies, I've been working for Deployment Matters, a start-up in the Gas & Oil industry, helping other start-ups to implement their technology in the marketplace. Nowadays I can apply my technical and managerial knowledge at Danone where I started my combined traineeship and master thesis program in September. The first six months I will be working in the lab and the following six months I will be doing research into the managerial aspects at Danone.