
Packing list

This short checklist may help you pack for your new adventure.

Take this with you:

  • Passport (make sure it is valid) and in some cases your birth certificate
  • If necessary: your entry visa (you need to pick this up at the embassy or consultate before travelling)
  • Diplomas of certificates you already possess (make a copy and leave the originals at home)
  • Official letter from your host institution (stating that you have been accepted)
  • Insurance papers – healthcare, liability etc.
  • Driver’s license – make sure that it’s valid for the duration of your stay abroad
  • Housing contract (if you have already arranged for a place to stay)
  • Money (preferably euro’s, enough to help you through the first days) and/or a credit card
  • Tools like phone, laptop, camera + chargers!
  • Summer and winter clothes
  • Medicine: make sure to bring your medication with you if you cannot go without them. But be aware that not all medicines or medical herbs are allowed
  • Important phone numbers: emergency numbers, contact person from your education institution