Agenda Graduation Ceremonies

Vincent van den Burg

Eduscope Rig + V3

14 May, 13:45, Wim Crouwelhall

Chair: J.C. Diehl
Mentor: MSc S.M. Persaud

Jeltje Tamsma

Designing for the future of education

15 May, 08:45, Wim Crouwelhall

Chair: N. Cila
Mentor: Dr. J.D. Lomas

Carlijn Hutter

Shifting the innovation mindset: Embracing nature's circular economy in a co-creation session

15 May, 13:45, Bernd Schierbeekhall

Chair: Prof. P.A. Lloyd
Mentor: Ir. M.F. Beets

Betsie Loeffen

Towards responsive policy making: Enabling policy advisors to experience thinking and acting in response to the needs of youth

17 May, 10:45, Norbert Roozenburghall

Chair: Dr. M. Goncalves
Mentor: Dr. I.J. Mulder

Floris Alderliesten

Design of a 3D scanning asset for spasticity patients in support of orthosis design

23 May, 10:45, Emile Truijenhall

Chair: Dr. T. Huysmans
Mentor: MSc G. Orsini

Luc Verduijn

Future Proofing Strategic Designers: How LLM’s change needed skillsets

23 May, 10:45, Joost van der Grinten, IDE Faculty

Chair: Prof.dr. G. Kortuem
Mentor: Dr. G. Calabretta

Annemeike Schermer

How to empower organisations to improve their effectiveness of innovation implementation

24 May, 15:45, IDE Arena

Chair: Ir. R.J.H.G. van Heur
Mentor: F.E.H.M. Smulders

Doris Versloot

Design for recycling of electronic products - Study on smart TV's

28 May, 15:45, IDE Arena

Chair: Prof.dr. R. Balkenende
Mentor: MSc D. van Dolderen

Gijs Wels

Empowering psychosocial well-being at the workplace

29 May, 13:00, Pulse hall 6

Chair: Prof.dr. D.V. Keyson
Mentor: Ir. G.P.M. Hoekstra

Lucie Brouwer

Ecology of generative AI

30 May, 13:45, IDE Arena

Chair: Dr. N. Cila
Mentor: MA V. van der Burg

Julia van Slogteren

A heat recovery system on greywater in the kitchen context

6 June, 10:45, Joost van der Grintenhall

Chair: Dr. E. Kim
Mentor: Ing. M. Verwaal

Koen Ruijgrok

Production Optimalisation: Optimising the assembly of fully customisable wheelchairs by standardisation

6 June, 13:45, IDE Arena

Chair: D.J. van Eijk
Mentor: Ir. C.P.J.M. Kroon

Lucas Habets

Redesign of a handheld ECG device for home use 

7 June, 13:45, IDE Arena, IDE Faculty

Chair: J.C. Diehl 
Mentor: M.S. Kleinsmann 

Jens van den Berg

Designing decisions

11 June, 15:45, IDE Arena

Chair: E. Tempelman
Mentor: MSc J. Broadhead

Yan Michon

Improving the ergonomic working conditions of Ophthalmologists

19 June, 13:45, Pulse hall 3

Chair: Prof.dr. P.J. Stappers
Mentor: Ir. G.P.M. Hoekstra