
480 resultaten

C-MAP Wereld Zeekaart

C-MAP Wereld Zeekaart

In de Kaartenkamer is een recente versie van de digitale wereld zeekaart van Chartworx beschikbaar. Medewerkers en studenten TU Delft kunnen…

Climate change

Global warming and climate change refer to an increase in average global temperatures and its effects on the local weather and climate. [1]…

MSc theses 2008

Łukasz Bednara Methods for Approximating the Availability Functions Catalin Bucura Probabilistic Inversion in Priority Setting of Emerging…

Studieverenigingen & disputen

Mechanical Engineering Gezelschap 'Leeghwater' 015 27 86501 info@leeghwater.nl Website: http://www.leeghwater.nl Maritime Technology S.G. '…

Third Age Suit

Third Age Suit

Most students enjoy good health and having good eyes and a flexible physical body. If they are asked to design for elderly or for people…

New MOOC in series: Electric Cars: Technology

Professional Certificate Program : Online course Electric Cars (Ecarsx) After the success of the MOOC Electric Cars: Introduction with 7.600…

Bram van Kuijvenhoven

The Maximum Likelihood Estimator in Competing Risks with Interval Censoring Bram van Kuijvenhoven, juni 2005 The author discusses the…

Studieverenigingen TNW

LIFE LIFE is the student organisation of Life Science & Technology. Website: http://www.svlife.nl/ InterSECtion InterSECtion is de…

Hoe je een huis koopt. Het optimale bod vanuit wiskundig perspectief

The Interactive Intelligence group is proud to share the media attention for the negotiation research results of our former (cum laude) PhD…

Frank Ohene Annor

Frank Ohene Annor is a doctoral scientist at TU Delft and has been working with KNUST in Ghana since 2004, where he was officially appointed…