
145 resultaten

Highlights for education TU Delft talkshow 24 June

During the online TU Delft talkshow on 24 June, the Executive Board and some members of the Strategic Response Teams, who have been looking…

Lifelong Learning set to become key part of education

Lifelong Learning set to become key part of education

Lifelong Learning set to become key part of education The movement towards Lifelong Learning has quickly become part of the current…

Delft’s RoboValley attracts machine startups

Delft’s RoboValley attracts machine startups

EJ Lugt, managing director of the YES!Delft incubator says entrepreneurial activity is increasing but founders need to be more ambitious.…

Open Education Ambassadors

Open Education Ambassadors Each year, on the occasion of global Open Education Week , TU Delft celebrates nine lecturers for their…

West Coast Collaborations — IDE delegation visits Stanford, Berkeley, IDEO and more

West Coast Collaborations — IDE delegation visits Stanford, Berkeley, IDEO and more

In May a group of Delft designers headed west to California. Their aim? To build and strengthen education and research partnerships with…



Overview of the ClimProp project The growth in air transportation will inevitably lead to an increase in aircraft combustion emissions and…

Energy Challenge Awards 2022

On 9 June, the TU Delft campus was dedicated to students' ideas for the future of the energy transition. . To reward their efforts and…

Faculties of A+BE and CEG receive funding to innovate learning

Over the past months, several faculties put in effort to submit project proposals for the ‘Stimuleringsregeling open & online onderwijs’, a…

Annoesjka Cabo - "Annoesjka sets the tone with her career in education"

This story is part of "Gedreven door onderwijs - Tien portretten van bevlogen docenten in het hoger onderwijs" by the Comenius Network. Read…

Inspiration wall

Inspiration wall

We have helped more than 1000 ambitious students since the launch of FAST. We hope the projects on this page will inspire you to apply for a…