
139 resultaten

Studieverenigingen over de Energy Challenge

Studieverenigingen over de Energy Challenge

De universiteit heeft veel wetenschappers die aan onderzoek doen, maar is dat alles waarmee we bij kunnen dragen? Ook de faculteiten en…

Student Experience: Regina Morán

Student Experience: Regina Morán

Hi, I am Regina and I finished my Master’s Degree Strategic Product Design at the TU in Delft. In my articles I tell you all about my…

Student Experience: Regina Morán

Student Experience: Regina Morán

Hi, I am Regina and I finished my Master’s Degree Strategic Product Design at the TU in Delft. In my articles I tell you all about my…

Student Experience: Regina Morán

Student Experience: Regina Morán

Hi, I am Regina and I finished my Master’s Degree Strategic Product Design at the TU in Delft. In my articles I tell you all about my…


Francisca Candeias Saman Khayat Olga Alejandra Ramirez Calderón Henrique de Avelar Adham Assadbeigi Hugo Lopez Lugo Victor du Mee Rita…

Seed Fund Grants 2023 November

Seed Fund Grants 2023 November

The call "Climate Action Research and Education Seed" is open to proposals for research and education projects related to the TU Delft…

UEI Symposium 2023 - Shoot for the Moon

Program at a Glance Questions about the program? Contact us futurehorizons@tudelft.nl 8:30-9:00 Welcome, Registration, and Coffee Aula…

Dutch Design Week 2020

Delft’s contribution to Dutch Design Week is represented at multiple online events throughout the week, for example at Design United’s Up…

TU Delft op Dutch Design Week (21-29 October)

Tijdens Dutch Design Week 2023 (21-29 oktober) is de TU Delft dit jaar overal om je heen. Ontdek wat we voor je hebben klaarstaan, markeer…

Diversity & Inclusion Committee

Diversity & Inclusion Committee

The Diversity & Inclusion Committee of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering