Understanding Housholds' Motivations, Attitudes and Preferences Towards Public-Private Flood Protection

MSc thesis: Jarno van Leiden

This research will investigate households' attitudes, motivations and preferences towards public-private flood protection by conducting a serious game. This serious game is based on the Tiebout model and the Protection Motivation Theory and will have two scenarios. One scenario where participants are given both public and private flooding protection information and one scenario where participants are only given public flooding protection information and limited private flooding protection information. By analysing the participant's game actions and analysing pre-game and post-game surveys, insights can be gained into households' attitudes, motivations and preferences towards public-private flood protection. This in turn can help steer future flood risk management and communication strategies. Additionally, by comparing the two scenarios, the research can determine if providing more private flooding protection information can result in different adaptations, attitudes, motivations and preferences for public-private flooding protection. 

For more information, please contact: j.vanleiden@student.tudelft.nl