TU Delft Alumni Sintborrel – Taipei

07 December 2023 19:30 till 22:00 - Location: BravoCafe draft beer bar (布娜飛小酒館中山店) Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Lane 56, Section 1, Zhongshan N Rd, 2-1號 | Add to my calendar

It is that time of the year again! As December draws near, the Netherlands is swept up in the festive spirit of Sinterklaas. Supermarkets stocked up on pepernoten and chocolate letters and the discussion on which pepernoten taste best (chocolate-covered or not) has been held several times already. 

And even though you no longer live in the Netherlands, you don’t need to miss out on this typical Dutch tradition. As for the 7th time already, our local alumni community in Taipei is organising an ‘Event in a Box’*. 

We would love to invite you for the TU Delft alumni Sinterklaas event on Thursday 7 December 2023 in Taipei! This event is hosted by local alumnus Samuel IJsselmuiden and gives you the perfect opportunity to meet up with fellow alumni in Taipei and to reminisce about your time in Delft.

Sinterklaasborrel Taipei

Date: Thursday 7 December 2023    

Time: 19:30 - 22:00 (local time)

BravoCafe draft beer bar (布娜飛小酒館中山店)
Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Lane 56, Section 1, Zhongshan N Rd, 2-1號



*The event is part of our programme 'Event in a Box', where local alumni host their own alumni gatherings, with some help from TU Delft Alumni Relations. For this Sinterklaas edition, we will make sure there are enough pepernoten, Taai Taai's and candy, but you need to pay for your own drinks and food. If you want to join this event, please register as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact us at alumnirelations@tudelft.nl. And do you know other TU Delft alumni in your city? Then please let them know about this event! We hope you will have a great evening catching up with former study mates and making new connections.

Bake your own...

Pepernoten! Or kruidnoten (depending on who you ask). We made sure there are enough pepernoten in the box we send to you, but just in case you cannot make it to the event, we made a short tutorial on how to bake your own kruidnoten!