
Current version is 2.1.3 (Jan 2018).

The data description toolbox wants to provide tools, classifiers and evaluation functions for the research of one-class classification (or data description). In dd_tools it is possible to define special one-class datasets and one-class classifiers. Furthermore, the toolbox provides methods for generating artificial outliers, estimating the different errors the classifiers make (false positive and false negative errors), estimating the ROC curve, the AUC (Area under the ROC curve) error, the precision-recall curve and mean precision, and many classifiers.

The toolbox is an extension of the PRTools toolbox, in which Matlab objects for prmapping and prdataset are defined. The data description toolbox uses these objects and their methods, but extends (and sometimes restricts) it to one-class classification. This means, that before you can use it to its full potential, you need to know a bit about PRTools. When you are completely new to pattern recognition, Matlab or PRTools, please familiarize yourself a bit with them first.

This current version is the version that is using Prtools 5.1, using the new prmapping and prdataset objects, and with a new internal format for prmapping definitions. This version is therefore NOT compatible with the older versions of Prtools.

Have a look at the Contents where you can get an impression of the functions that are in the toolbox (which acts more or less as a help).

Online dd_tools manual (in HTML format).

Dd_tools manual (in PDF format). This manual is also included in the ZIP-file below.


If you enjoyed using it and used it for making a nice publication, then you are kindly requested to refer to the dd_tools:

Author = {Tax, D.M.J.},
Month = {Jan},
Note = {version 2.1.3},
Title = {DDtools, the Data Description Toolbox for Matlab},
Year = {2018}}


For this version of dd_tools you need PRTools 5.0 or higher PLEASE update to the new PRTools

Finally, you can download the important things, software and manual:

  • Download toolbox version 2.1.3.
  • Download the older toolbox version 1.9.1 for Prtools prior to version 5.0.
  • Actually, I realize that things change quite often, and I'm not always very fast in updating this webpage. But I made a pdf document explaining the very basics of the toolbox. You can get the manual here.

Have fun!